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Start Manifesting Faster – Find What’s Slowing You Down

You may be wondering, why you are not manifesting faster with the law of attraction? Why are the things that I want not coming into my life yet? There's three quick and easy ways to discover why you weren't manifesting and make that very easy shift to start attracting what you want in your life a lot quicker, faster, and easier. I'm going to share with you those quick and easy things to do.

You Are Manifesting The Wrong Thing

Number one is you're focused on the opposite of what you want. There's a lot of people that know what it is that they want. They're consciously aware that they want romance. They want a boyfriend or girlfriend or a husband or wife. They want this certain job. Maybe they want money. They want something consciously, but their habitual perception is always focused on the fact that it's not there. We get so used to having our thoughts controlled by what we see. 

But when what you see is not yet what you want, there is a pattern to have your perception and thoughts get controlled by what you see, which is "I do not have". So what you want really ends up being two things, what you want and the absence of it. You could want a relationship and romance, but you could be focused always on the fact there's no good guys or how your ex crossed you.

Focusing On A Negative Manifestation

You're still mad about it or upset about it. Maybe you got your heart broken and are angry at them. Now you think, there's just not that many cool women anymore. You could do the same thing with money. You could want money, but always be focused on the fact that it's not in your bank account yet.

It's an unconscious habit. We don't know what's happening and it feels normal. What ordinary people do is they allow their perception about reality to be controlled by the present circumstances of their life. And so you can predict their future. It's going to be pretty much the same as it is now because your thoughts create your future. But if your thoughts are controlled by the present and current reality, then you will continue to recreate a similar reality for yourself. That's what most of us do.

Start Manifesting Faster

Conscious Choice Leads To Manifesting Faster

 But what you want is two things, what you want or the absence of it. And that's why Jesus said in the Bible "to those that have more will be given", because if you're in the consciousness of already being grateful for the money and feeling your life is already amazing and your perfect partner is on the way to you, you're blessed beyond measure.

To those that have more will be given. That's how you attract what you want. It's when you're consciously focused upon the presence of it in your life. So what I invite you to do is think about this. All you want already exist right now. Energy is never created or destroyed. So everything you want already exist, you just must become aware of it. You must be conscious of it. You must be focused upon the infinite and unlimited nature of the universe. This opens up the flood Gates.

Childhood Associations Block You From Manifesting Faster

The next reason that you might not be manifesting is childhood associations. Let's say that your parents didn't have money and they were always talking about it. Let's say that your mom or your dad had that old saying "life is a bitch and then you die", so you kind of just think life is pain. Maybe your parents got divorced and your dad always used to say to you, you know, son, you know, daughter, love is pain and love is hard.


And you know, it's hard. It's, it's not sure if true love exists and it's painful, but you know, that's life. We don't realize we have these toxic beliefs programmed into our thinking because it's a subconscious program. The simplest way to understand is, what did your parents teach you around money? I'm not just talking about teaching consciously. I'm saying, what did you observe from them? Because of course that's where children learn the most. They observe and take it in like a sponge. Then they mirror those actions in their life patterns. This is a big reason why you are not manifesting what you want yet. 

What Did You Observe As A Child

What did you observe? What did you learn about love and relationships? When you really think about this and realize how everything was when you were young, what you'll uncover is you'll actually become aware of your deepest subconscious limiting beliefs that are blocking you from getting what you want in the subject of money and the subject of success and the subject of romance and the subject of confidence and self worth and happiness and mental health.

You can discover it all and then free yourself from it, and that's why I always talk about reprogramming your subconscious. I have my actual program that I made for myself to retrain my brain because we now know from neuroscience, something called Hebbs law. And it says that nerve cells that fire together, wire together. Which is a fancy way to just say that your brain, the cells in your brain, they all wired together based off of the habitual ways that you think and feel. And so our brain gets wired during our childhood, by the environment, and everything we take in around us.

How To Start Manifesting Faster

The ability to reprogram your mind has a name. It's called neuroplasticity. It's a pretty cool thing. Neuro-plasticity just basically means you can retrain and rewire your brain. So I invented this for myself. It was amazing. You can use a free demo, too! 

Reprogram Your Mind To Start Manifesting Faster

You can literally rewrite the old subconscious program that is holding you back with new thought patterns that will raise your vibration and allow you to attract bigger and better love, success, happiness, and manifest your dream life.

Use the Second Mind for FREE

Technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

I have a feeling something great is headed your way today. The reasons why you are not manifesting can come to an end today. I'm sending you lots of good vibes. Thanks for watching this video. Smile often! I encourage you to stay consistent with your manifesting practices. You are so much more capable than you think.


Miracles are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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