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Dumbfounded Gratitude and The Law of Attraction

You can have anything that you want with dumbfounded gratitude. It's so simple and will level up your manifestation game exponentially. Let's dive in! 

So I just did a nice long road trip, went to go see my wife's family. I was listening to an audio book by dr. Joseph Murphy. He was talking about having a dumbfounded gratitude. That's what he said. I was like, I've never heard anyone say that dumbfounded gratitude.

I thought, what does that really mean? A dumbfounded gratitude. It means truly recognizing how amazing life is and how amazing you are, how capable you are and how amazing God is. So let me break this down for you.

Number one, think about this. Everything in this entire universe is energy and it's made up of one originating source of energy. It's really weird to think about, and it's hard to comprehend sometimes. My face looks like a bunch of skin, right? Well it's really made up of lots of tiny particles. And these atoms are 99% empty space. But when you look under a powerful enough microscope and atom is made up of subatomic particles.

dumbfounded gratitude

 Subatomic particles are simply just energy. So that's number one. Let's get that out of the way. If you want to know, well, why is life so amazing and why should I have a dumbfounded gratitude? Number one is everything is energy. And it's remarkable, think about it! We aren't even told this growing up, which makes it even more interesting.

Number two is you have some type of a creator. You can call it God's spirit, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, the universe, spirit, consciousness, the unknown, the mystical, the great unknown, you can call it anything you want. It's so perfect that it created a perfect solar system that has oxygen that allows us to breathe. 

Oh, and by the way, you started as a little protoplasm and that little protoplasm carried all the perfect seeds to eventually grow you into a baby and then a person. That person has a 2 lungs that happen to breathe this invisible stuff in the air. Like, think about how weird and miraculous that is for anyone.

Number three, everything is energy. All this is, is energy that you actually don't see for what it is. Imagine that there is a light beam shooting into my eyes that are sending signals. They have information encoded in them. So it's an invisible energy. And I have a message receiver at the back of my cornea.

dumbfounded gratitude

 That sends a message to my brain instantly. This is all happening on an electromagnetic level instantly. My brain searches to see if I have cells of recognition in my brain. This is all happening instantaneously below the level of thought. So you don't even see with your eyes. What you're doing is you're interpreting vibration, which is really cool because of what I'm about to tell you.

Step number four is you control your own vibration. Pretty cool, right? You do that for your own thoughts and your own feelings, which leads us to the point of the video. A dumb founded gratitude. What's the quickest way to connect with this infinite source?

By being grateful for it. I feel super connected to God right now. I feel super connected to life and abundance. I feel super connected to God itself and God created everything, which means I feel super connected to financial abundance. Something super good is going to happen to me today or tomorrow. I can feel it.

I feel super connected to love because God is love. I feel super connected to my wife, my baby. I feel super connected to myself. I feel super connected to everyone that comments. I feel super grateful for everyone that watches these and leaves these comments every day and is a part of this community. And, um, people that get value from it. I feel just a bunch of love. Why? Because I feel connected to God right now.

So what I invite you to do is make a list of everything you're grateful for. Try to make 101 things that you were grateful for. It's really fun. You can light some candles. You can grab a glass of wine. You can go sit by the beach. You can go get a latte or favorite coffee spot and write out 100 things. You're going to be on a whole new level of energy. On a whole new level of vibration and frequency.

And it's going to open up the door for some really great things in life. So if you're looking for a quick technique to attract more money, a quick technique to attract some good news, a quick technique to attract some awesome friends, What I suggest is you get in a dumbfounded state of gratitude for life.

dumbfounded gratitude

Wayne Dyer said, "You don't get what you want. You get what you are." Think about it. What you want is just a conscious desire. Who you are is your state of being, it's your vibration. It's the energy you're emanating to the universe. It's the energy you're projecting to the quantum field.

And guess what else? If you change your energy, then what happens? If you don't get what you want, you get what you are and you change your energy then you control what you attract into your life, which means the money, the love, happiness, the jobs, the opportunity, it can flow into your experience.

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What I invite you into today is a state of dumbfounded gratitude.


Miracles are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • I listen to your videos daily! You are so right about loving yourself! I have taken care of my mother & father who have both passed. My ex husband, my two sons, my ex boyfriends & their children and my co workers. Now retired and wanting to travel again I am completely alone. I don’t feel sorry for myself … I just find it odd. As I was giving so much I left myself out of the equation. Now at an older age I am loving myself and letting go of what does not serve me. I appreciate you very much Jake! May you continue to have the beautiful life you have created with your family!
    With great gratitude! Priscilla

  • “Best Day Ever” is one thing Ive been saying for years!! I truly believe each day can be better than the day before! I am so happy to see someone else who has enjoyed financial success use the same phrase! Thank you for sharing so much encouraging content! THANK YOU!!

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