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Recurring Dreams And How They Help You Manifest

Have you been having recurring dreams? I'm going to share with you exactly what recurring dreams mean. They are special signs from the universe and it's important you know how to receive and interpret them. Let's dive right in!

Recurring Dreams Tell You About The Future! 

The first possibility here is that it might be premonition of the future. A lot of times what happens in the dream state is the subconscious telling you about the future. This could be for many reason. It could be to prepare you. It could be to help you say "yes" to a certain decision that will lead you in your best direction.

It could be to reassure you that everything is okay. Maybe you have a new business idea. You want to quit your job, or you want to break up with this unhealthy relationship you've had. Maybe you've wanted to move to a new city. Maybe you've already made a decision in your gut but haven't acted on it and you're feeling anxious. This smight be interesting to you so read more here Lucid Dreaming To Manifest Before You Sleep.

A lot of times that sign from the universe comes in the sleep state. The recurring dream is saying, "hey, check out what your future holds!". It's almost like a psychic state that you get to enter during your sleep. So the first sign of a recurring dream is premonition of the future. You can learn how to manifest your dreams too.

A sign To Take Action, or else...

Your recurring dreams could be a call to action to make a decision or take a new direction with whatever you are up to. I'll give you an example from my own life. I wanted to drop out of college and I wasn't happy at all. I felt like I was wasting my time with what I was learning. I wanted to go vagabond backpack travel, and I wanted to become a writer. So I thought, what better way to do it than to actually do it as opposed to sitting in a classroom?!

recurring dreams at night

At the time, I was directing my energy into bad places. I was partying way too much and it just wasn't healthy. One night I had a dream of myself in the future. If I didn't drop out and I didn't go travel around and I didn't write my first book. In this dream, it was me in the future with an alcohol problem. It was this really unpleasant dream that I was having multiple times and it was a state that I couldn't get out of.

I remember it was lucid enough where I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't wake up. I was in this crappy state where I surrendered my dreams in life and I exchanged it for a night on the town and living for the weekends in a job I didn't like.

I substituted my feelings of lack of fulfillment with alcohol. I finally realized this was a sign from my higher self saying, your life could look like this someday if you keep letting fear control you. And I was letting fear control me, I was letting other people's opinions control me. People doubted my dreams and I let it effect me.

I finally had the dream enough times that I journaled about it. Even if it's not that exact details of the dream, it's a symbolic representation of the direction my life was taking. I needed to write my book and follow my dreams or my life could be a vanilla and sad story. You might be having a negative dream that isn't that good of a feeling.

It's your subconscious mind giving you a taste of what your life could look like if you don't stand up for yourself, if you don't stand up for your dreams, if you don't leave that toxic relationship, if you don't start that one idea, if you don't do that thing that you want to do or that you ought to do. It's inviting you to say "yes" to yourself in your one and only life. Ben Franklin said, "most people actually live until they're 75, but they're buried at 25 years old". Meaning most people live on autopilot their whole lives.

Your Dreams Will Repeat Until You Learn The Intended Lesson

The third one is an old adage that I absolutely love. It says that the lessons in life will repeat until you learn them. The whole point of life is that you're a spiritual being in a physical body. That's a fact. And you incarnated here in a new body to learn certain lessons for your own evolution as a soul for your own development as a soul. And so you are a spiritual being in a physical body. What this means is if you are incarnated for your own evolution as a soul in this third dimensional plane of existence, the lessons repeat until you learn them.

We all know that person who keeps repeating the same pattern and mistake over and over again. It could be with their relationships, their jobs, their habits. A lot of times in our lives, we have lessons or realities that change, but not really. It's the same general lesson repeated with a new face or new mask. The dream may lead you to better practices around finance and money. It may relate to your relationships. It may relate to your health. You have the knowledge within you. This is where it's important to trust spirit and what it is telling you! 

listen to your dreams

It's ultimately asking you to forgive yourself for how it's been and to take action moving forward. It's the Universe asking "have you learned this lesson yet?" It's just that it's happening in a dream state! There's a brighter future on the other side, but first we've got to show you this so that you make a different shift. I hope this helped you understand the recurring dream you're having.

Do This Now That You're Awake From Your Recurring Dreamland! 

Now, one thing that you can always do is ask and receive. Every time you ask the question, "what does this mean and what do I need to do?" it can instantly be answered by your subconscious, by your higher self. So if you're wondering what the recurring dream means, you can just simply ask and be still. The answer will come almost instantly from the whispers of yourself.

If you're someone who is thinking, "well gosh, I try to listen to my inner self but the outer world and my past speaks so loudly, it's hard to hear spirit and know what's truly right!", I understand. We all have conditioning and past trauma that effects our thought patterns, today. After I dropped out of college, I was in those same shoes.

That's why I created the Second Mind Neuroprogrammer. It's a technology designed to rewire and reprogram your subconscious mind to patterns of abundance, peace, love, and health. Go ahead and try the 30 day free demo. If you're ready for true change, use this every day in the morning upon waking and again right before bed time. You'll be amazed at the results. The first sign will be a positive shift in emotions. Once that happens, your frequency will raise. As you continue to raise your frequency and rewire your thoughts, more and more results will flood into your life. 

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Technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

Thanks so much for being here, friend. I'm so excited for you. Keep up the great work!!


Miracles are normal,


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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