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Law of Attraction Technique To Manifest Whatever You Want

If you really knew the power of this law of attraction technique to manifest  and if everybody else knew quite frankly, 2020 would be a lot different right now.

 We're at a very high level of unemployment. A lot of people not only struggling financially, there's a lot of people that are very confused and struggling right now in life. I want to share with you this very powerful manifestation technique to take control of your life, to take control of your finances, to take control of all of your dreams and goals. If people really knew this 2020, it would be insane in the best way.

The law of attraction is marketed and taught on a wide scale totally wrong. It's basically this idea that you get what you want. They say just think about it and then you get it. What happens is you get a bunch of people that make vision boards and they think about what they want all day long.

But what they're really doing is affirming that they do not have it and that they need it. They aren't doing that on a conscious level. It's all happening subconsciously, but the law of attraction happens subconsciously. It's not taught by most people because it's actually a very deep subject.

Psychologists say 95% of our life is subconscious. It's all happening robotically, basically like a simulation, so to speak. This subconscious program is based off of how you were programmed from childhood and everything else that sets your vibration. So your vibration, your energy, is actually set habitually and subconsciously at the core, what the law of attraction says is that like energy attracts like energy.

law of attraction technique to manifest

 This is crucial to understand for this attraction technique to manifest what ever you want to work. Similar energy patterns or similar consciousness attracts to itself. But the problem with this is you get these people that put their vision board up and they say, "I want money. Jake, have you seen my comments? JAKE! JAKE! I WANT MONEY! HELP!"

But everything is focused on a future that they hope one day they're going to get what they want. But what vibration is that? It's a vibration of "I'm in need. I need this. I want this". And we think of the idea of wanting something as a good thing. From a subconscious level, you are sending a message that says I do not have. The subconscious is literal, the subconscious isn't very smart. It's literal. So when you tell it something, it does that thing. If you wish to manifest what you want, you can't be coming from a needy energy.

This is super important. It's hard for us to grasp because we have an ego and our ego thinks it controls and dominates everything. So this idea that most of all of our life is governed by subconscious is hard for us to grasp. And so what has to occur is you have to instead of asking for something, you have to start telling the universe that you're thankful that you have it. Now, the way that you do this is through prayer. But Prayer is not just asking God for things. Prayer is about sending a frequency pattern to the universe. That's why the native Americans, when they prayed for rain, they thank God for the rain already being there. They smelled it, they heard it. They felt it on their skin even though it wasn't there.

law of attraction technique to manifest

All the energy that ever was and ever will be already exists right now. The rain already exists. That already exists in the quantum field. What's the quantum field? It's a field of energy that holds all possibilities that already exist simultaneously because past and future don't exist. Albert Einstein showed us that a linear time doesn't even exist. And so the power of prayer is actually in thanking God that you already have what you want, now.

Subconsciously you emit a frequency pattern to the quantum field, like a radio antenna, sending a frequency pattern. You get similar realities that match the energy that you emit. There's a few simple questions to ask.

Number one, can I feel the feeling of gratitude for my wish already fulfilled, even though it hasn't happened yet?

Number two is can I offer my gratitude to God that I already have what I want, even though it's not here yet? When you can say yes to those two things through your own feelings, you've shifted your energy. You've mastered law of attraction, and you can quickly command and bend the universe. As will Smith said in his famous law of attraction interview, "the universe is like water. It wants to get out of your way."

Your mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. That's why we must use the attraction technique to manifest. The power of that is you can tell any story you want and eventually your brain will believe that story and encoded into its neural networks. When that happens, your life is programmed. Hopefully in the way that you intend it to be. I want you to remember a couple simple things. Number one, you create your destiny. Your past doesn't, your parents don't, your childhood doesn't, last year doesn't, and just because the last five years have pretty much been the same that doesn't mean you can't immediately change it!

You just haven't had this knowledge yet. You just haven't had the proper tools. Or, you know the tools but you haven't been ready for real change yet so you haven't consistently applied the daily actions of what it takes to manifest whatever you want. Now that you have this knowledge, you can create a new reality. The only thing that people lack is awareness. Number two is emotions are energy in motion.

law of attraction technique to manifest

It's you being consciously aware of the frequency pattern that you're emanating to God and the universe. Emotions are energy in motion. It's you being consciously aware of the own feelings, frequencies, or information that you are transmitting to God, to the quantum field. Number three is everything is energy and energy is never created or destroyed. And if that's true, what that means is everything you want already exists. You just have to match and sustain the frequency of what you want.

Do you feel relaxed? Excited? Do you feel stressed? Do you feel like you're in lack? Tune into how you're feeling and take account of your emotions and thoughts. This law of attraction technique to manifest what you want will work for you. when you master this. As for me, I'm feeling excited. I'm feeling more connected. See if you can use your thought patterns to start to change your energy right now. If you can pretend in your imagination until it feels real, you've got the golden ticket to manifesting. If you have trouble doing this, make sure to use my free success hypnosis. I made it to help me rewire my mind and i've made it free and available for you to use too!


Miracles are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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