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Law Of Attraction Good Bad And Ugly

Today we're going to talk about the law of attraction good, the bad, and the ugly. Here's the good news about the law of attraction. It's always working whether or not you believe in it. And the cool thing about that is it relies totally on your own free will. So the law of attraction isn't based off of some airy fairy thing from Harry Potter. We're talking about actual quantum physics.

The observer effect came about when scientists were looking into intricacies of physical matter. What were physical things made of. We know that the building blocks of physical matter is the atom.

An atom is 99% empty space which is nuts in and of itself. But then there's these things called subatomic particles that are even smaller than an atom. So what they did is they would look at these little tiny particles and they found out that sometimes they would exist and sometimes they didn't exist. If they exist they are called a particle and if they don't exist, they're called a wave. That means that they are now vibrating at a frequency that is greater than visible light.

Visible light is this physical world that you live in right now. Visible light is how many digits are in your bank account. It's what you look like. This is visible light. It's the bandwidth of frequency that your senses can perceive. Visible light is an very small amount of reality. There are way more frequencies than we comprehend in this universe and in our reality.

What they found out was that a subatomic particle could exist and not exist. They called it the observer effect because the consciousness observing it, depending on their consciousness would sometimes make it exist and sometimes make it not exist. Sometimes it would be visible and other times, invisible. This is the wacky world of quantum physics and this is really what the law of attraction is about. The basis of the law of attraction is based in the observer effect, which is saying that what you experience in your reality is based off of your consciousness.

law of attraction good

In the Bible it said it another way. It says to those that have more will be given. Think about that in terms of the observer effect and the scientists being able to perceive subatomic particles. To those that have more will be given. When they are in the consciousness of wanting to perceive the particles, see the particles, they exist. To those that do not have even that which they have is taken away.

When they go into it expecting not to see the subatomic particles, then they exist as a wave of frequency bandwidth beyond visible light. It's the same thing that mystics have been telling us for since the beginning of time. To those that have more will be given. So what this is saying is even if you haven't had things worked out for you the way that you want. Know that the past doesn't matter because the past is just a reflection off of what used to be.

In this moment right now, the good about the law of attraction is right now you can change your consciousness. You could start dwelling in abundance within your own consciousness. In fact, it's the only way to get it show up in your physical life. First, you have to possess it in consciousness. You have to see it. You have to feel it.

You have to use your mental faculties to start feeling and getting excited. Now when that happens, you start firing new nerve cells in your brain. In neuroscience is called the Hebbs Law. It says that nerve cells that fire together wire together. Every time you have any emotion, you fire nerve cells in your brain.

So pretty soon what happens is your brain starts thinking it's real and that's one of the things in your life start to shift. So the good news is whatever has happened in your life is irrelevant and you're hearing this present moment with a new found level of awareness and a new found level of consciousness. That's why I always talk about suspending your disbelief. You have to suspend your disbelief of the past in order to create a new future.

Abraham Lincoln said that the best way to create the future is to predict it. It's to have it in your own mind. If you want to predict the future, you have to create it in your own mind first. So suspend your disbelief. Just drop it for a little while and use your free will to start dwelling in what you want and feeling the emotion behind it and you will see amazing things start to show up in your life.

law of attraction good

Okay, so here's the bad news about the law of attraction. If you really want to call it bad news, there's really no such thing as good or bad. But let's just talk as if there was. The bad news is it's very easy to get swayed out of it because we live in a world where we've been conditioned to believe we're physical bodies. It's the most absurd thing ever.

It's like me walking up to you and saying, "hi, I am fingernail". This fingernail is one 1/1000000000 of a percent of who I am. Right? Believing that you are your physical body is the same thing. Buckminster fuller taught us that what you can see is 1% of who you are, 99% of who you are you can't see.

You can't perceive it because it's at a vibratory frequency. It's at a level of consciousness that is beyond the realm of visible light. The bad news about this is there are people are so authoritarian and they're so aggressive in trying to to tell you that you're just this little physical body and you can't manifest and consciousness doesn't have an effect on reality...Even though we know this is scientifically proven through the observer effect. This isn't made up nonsense.

There is so much science proving this true. Now we know through neuro-plasticity that you can rewire and retrain your actual neural connections in your brain. We know that. We know that for a fact. So there's no debating and it's just that people don't want to believe it. They don't want to believe that they're responsible for their own life. it's easy to make excuses outside of yourself and so most people choose the "easy" path.

There is a cause and effect. Your consciousness is the cause, and the effects are the outer experiences that you create in your life as a result of your consciousness. What happens is the masses are convinced by others to believe certain things from childhood. You have a conscious mind and you have the ability to reject other people's ideas. So you need to decide for yourself. Don't just believe me.

law of attraction good

Decide for yourself. What is your own fundamental belief systems about reality? I know what mine are. I'm an infinite being. All physical matter is just energy. My bank account, the TV, the wall, my body, it's all just energy and it's all conscious energy and my perception influences it.

Most people get talked out of their own greatness by closed-minded people that are stuck in a little box thinking there are these little physical bodies floating around in this little physical little rock called planet earth. And they're the only intelligence in the world. You have to be vigilant and make your own belief systems.

Remember when those naysayers come around, you don't need to argue with them. You don't have to fuss and fight with them. All you need to do is just press the mental delete button and delete their virus software from entering your mind. Just like you would not allow a virus to get on the software of your computer. This is the most super computer in the world, not a Mac book. The most powerful supercomputer in the world is your mind. And you have the same capabilities to drag people's viruses into the trash bin of your mind and to build your own reality.


Miracles are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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