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How To Not Let Peoples Negative Energy Affect You

In this blog we're going to talk about how to deal with negative energy and negative people. There were a lot of questions on this topic for over the last while. So! Here is how to deal with negative energy and people. Let's dive right in. 

With everything going on right now in the world, how do you deal with negative people that don't believe what you believe? Or they don't believe in in the law of attraction? Here's how to deal with negative people.

Okay, so the first thing to know when you're dealing with negative people is quite frankly, that you actually can't change the way somebody thinks. You can't. Even if somebody does ultimately change the way that they think, you didn't do it. They came to their own conclusions. Ultimately, that caused their mind to shift.

Now, what happens a lot of times is there's a negative influence in our life in any capacity. The problem comes when we face negative opposition and we wish that it wasn't that way. We say, "why is it like this? I wish things were different. I don't understand why they're like this". And we get into this place where we actually resist resistance. So if you resist resistance, the only thing that can persist is resistance.

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If you resist resistance, the only thing that can persist is resistance. Meaning that if you have a negative influence, a negative energy, a person that is adamant that you're wrong about something to the degree that you try to defend your position and make yourself right or show them why they don't understand, or to the degree that you just simply keep questioning it, is to the degree that that energy will always control you.

You've given your power away to it. So the first thing to note is that we actually cannot control other people. The way to have a level of detachment about what's going on around us is to really recognize what this plane of existence actually is.

This is a world of polarity. Quite literally. There's a North pole and the South pole, there's also positive and negative. There's light dark, there's morning, then there's evening. We actually live in a world of polarity. And that's the purpose of this realm. The purpose of this realm is to help us evolve by teaching us through polarity, by teaching us through desirable and undesirable. The goal of this dimension isn't to be different. But what happens is people resist resistance. To the degree that we resist resistance, we're actually resisting life.

negative energy

You never watch a river flow and go, why is it flowing? It's just so frustrating. Why can't it just stop? You don't resist nature. Yet, We try to resist the ultimate universal truth which is we live in a polarity world. You don't resist the fact that the sun rises in the morning. You don't resist when a cat meows. What if this world was exactly what it's supposed to be and it's always going to be a world in this dimension of polarity.

And what if the purpose of it was that it was a teaching ground for you to practice detachment, practice living your own truth. Practicing controlling your own energy, your own emotions and having dominion and control over your own mind and your own consciousness.

And what if all the negativity and all the polarity in the world is actually really God? It's actually really divinity in that it's here to help you evolve as a spiritual being. I know for myself, the greatest evolution that I've had has always been through negative things. It's always been through negative people. See, one of the benefits that I have of being on the internet is a lot of people dig what I'm doing and a lot of people don't. I've definitely read over 10,000 negative messages for sure.

A lot of them are fine and some of them are really over the top. It's helped me be able to detach from what other people think of me. It's, it's helped me to further live in my own truth. It's helped me to have more freedom. You accomplish a dangerous level of freedom when you don't care what anybody thinks. You don't care if somebody's negative or positive and you don't care if they believe this thing or that thing.

You're here for certain spiritual lessons. I'm here for certain spiritual lessons. I know what some of mine are, and I don't know what some of them are because there's always going to be new ones that will form through the different seasons of our life. So instead, what if every time you wanted to resist resistance, you let go? You took a breath and you actually reminded yourself that this is actually a sign.

what if your problem was actually your higher self manifesting that experience so that you could finally transcend beyond it? Here's the thing, the lessons repeat until we learn them. What does that really mean? What is negativity if there isn't a consciousness that's observing it?

negative energy

Does a tree make a noise when it falls in the forest when no one's around to hear it? Does negative energy effect someone that is positive if they don't attach to it? No. So what is negative energy without a consciousness? It's nothing. It's just a cloud passing across the sky that blocks the sun for 35 seconds and then it's gone and it's sunny again. Remember, you don't argue with the flow of the water when the river is flowing.

What does a negative person do? They're negative. Just as sure as the sun rises in the morning, the negative person will be negative tomorrow. And the sooner we're able to accept rather than resist is the sooner we transcend it. Ask yourself, what is my soul trying to teach me in this moment?

Step number two is harvest the good. What is the good out of this that I could harvest? And it might be a lot of things, right?

It might be that it's a opportunity for you to practice living your truth. It might be that it's an opportunity for you to practice self reliance and spiritual independence and mental independence and financial independence because someone's telling you your dream is impossible. It might be that is teaching you how to trust your own truth because when the negative person comes and argues with what you think, you always then question yourself. This time around it's happening again.

So you could stop questioning yourself. When we have this higher shift, that's when the game changes. So what I invite you to do is take a breath in and out. Say some things to yourself like, Hey, that's not part of my belief system. You have a conscious mind, you can reject any negative ideas that come into your mind. You just say, Hey, thank you, but that's not part of my belief system.

Then the door opens up because it's a reminder. It's a ship that makes you go, I don't need to convince this person. And by the way, I don't need this person to be positive for me to be happy. If you think you need them to stop or them to change, you're always going to be unhappy because your peace is dependent on something outside of yourself changing that you don't control.

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And if you give up your power to things you can't control, then you probably need to send everybody else to the psychiatrist before you can ever get better. And what do you think the probability of being able to send everybody to the psychiatrist is? Probably not that high. Right? There's humor in all of this for sure.

There's in the madness of the world. There really is. There's humor in the fact that some people just want to tell you how stupid you are and how wrong you are and how your idea won't work and how your manifestation will never come. And there's some people that just want to tell you how wrong you are about your certain political or social views. They are resisting life so hard.

Some people are going to get it in this lifetime and some people aren't. Not all 8 billion people are going to wake up in this lifetime because that's not what this dimension is about. Accepting this is a valuable tool in raising your frequency.

negative energy

That's the beauty of having free will and a moldable mind. You have a soul, and you have free will to make your own truth, to make your own self, to make something of yourself and your life.

As always, thank you so much for tuning in and being apart of my awesome community. You're far more capable than you may think. You are a limitless spiritual being living a physical experience. How exciting!


Miracles are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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