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  • 2020 Agenda Causes Mass Spiritual Awakening

2020 Agenda Causes Mass Spiritual Awakening

In this video, we're going to be talking about the 2020 agenda of global elites and how this is creating a mass spiritual awakening. That's the most exciting thing that's happening right now. There is a spiritual awakening. And here's the number one things that you must know about it.

So just before I was making this video, there were super gnarly fighter jets and they were flying super low to ground near my house. It seems like they're always basically just letting us know that they're around. And right now there is a 2020 agenda of the elites. The top of the pyramid controls 99.999% of everything because the only way to do that is through psychological control.

If there's 8 billion people in the world and everyone's controlled by a couple families, a handful of individuals that are lobbying all the laws ande are controlling and paying off all the politicians that are controlling all the major industries, that are getting all the bills passed in office, that get all the government contractor work... The only way to do that is to divide and rule people through fear.

If you look at history, it's always been divide and conquer based off of fear. So right now in 2020 agenda there's a lot of fear going on and it really, what happens is it activates the reptilian aspect of your brain, the fear center of your brain. And it really puts a lot of people in a fight or flight mode. And I want to remind you that you're more than a physical body.

See, there's all these things happening in the world and it's it's easy to get really mad or really upset. Ultimately, all of this fear that is being perpetuated by our media, what it's doing is waking people up. The only way that people can truly be controlled and to be manipulated and for people to profit off of it is for people to think they're just their little bodies. When you do that, you're blocking out a lot of your power and potential. Buckminster fuller said that 99.999% of who you are, you cannot see, smell, taste, or touch.

2020 Agenda

So you can't see 99% of who you are. 99% of who you are is nonphysical. So you aren't this incredibly powerful being. You are only aware of 0.1% of who you are and what you're capable of. Because that's what your senses can conceive and perceive. It's what your bank account tells you. It's what your past tells you. It's what you see in the mirror. All of these things that you define yourself as "you" and what you're capable of, that's 0.1% of who you are. All ancient civilizations have known that we are spiritual beings in physical bodies.

Think about the people that have truly changed the world. Martin Luther King and Ghandi. These types of people were so powerful because they had a spiritual understanding. They were spiritually awakened. Martin Luther King wasn't scared of death because he knew he was more than a body and he was just being an instrument for the highest good of all.

Gandhi was able to fast and do all these crazy things because he had spiritual power. Everybody has access to the same spiritual power. Everybody has access to the same creativity as the most brilliant authors, creators, inventors, way-showers, etc... There is only one mind and that is the Universal mind.

There's one universal mind that we all have access to through our subconscious. So everything is energy. We live in this world of pure consciousness, but we're convinced that we're just these little bodies and it's perpetually effecting our whole culture and world. 75% of people are not satisfied with their jobs.

That's a politically correct way to say 75% of people hate what they do. The number one cause of illness is stress related. The number one cause for divorce is money. So you look at all these things that are the majority of the way society governs and it's all based off of at the end of the day thinking we're inferior.

This whole agenda by global elites really came to a head when Edward Bernays, who's the nephew of Sigmund Freud, used his Uncle Sigmund Freud's discoveries about the subconscious in order to create public relations where he went to all the major banks and all the biggest stores worthless products that became trillion dollar industries.

2020 Agenda

He went to them and he said, look, we can use propaganda to start subliminally suggesting people to be afraid to think they're not good enough. We can make them think their boobs are too small, to think their stomachs are too big, that their biceps are too little, and to think they aren't worthy of goodness unless they have this certain product, and on and on it goes.

The last few generations, this has become a real psychological warfare tactic that's convinced us that we are inferior. But you need to remember, you are more than a physical body. When you recognize that you're a spiritual being in a physical body, all things become possible to you.

It says in the Bible that the kingdom of heaven is within. It's because all the answers that you need are actually within yourself. You don't need anything to make you happy and you don't need anybody for you to create the success that you want in life. You have to be able to say to yourself, I'm a genius and I apply my wisdom. I'm an infinite genius and I apply my wisdom. You're so much more than a body. You're literally divine intelligence manifesting itself at the speed of light in every moment using your imagination.

Most people are just imagining that they're worthless and they're just not that capable. And so they're taking all of these light photons and they're projecting consciousness and they're instantly manifesting the same limitations over and over and over again. And then those beliefs about ourselves and the world wire into our brain over and over and over again. In neuroscience it's called Hebbs Law.

What happens is it says that nerve cells that fire together, wire together. So as we keep re-imagining ourselves as these limited creatures over and over and over again, we start to build neural networks and neural chemistry that gets conditioned to operate in that way. Our brain basically becomes a wired software that's full of viruses and limitations.

2020 Agenda

Then the next big problem is that we think that that's our ultimate reality. But we don't know that through neuroplasticity you can reprogram and rewire your brain. You can literally recreate and reimagine your life. And when enough of this do this, we can reimagine our world. What would the world look life if people believe that they could make money at the things they cared about?

What would the world look like if a bunch of people started going for their dreams and creating meaningful life? Well, you'd probably see a lot less stress. You'd see a lot more happiness. You'd see a lot more fulfillment. You'd see a lot more people being kind to others because you'll have all this pent up resentment anymore.

People would stop relying on the 1% to make all the rules and control them. So this is a spiritual awakening that's taking place. It's so exciting. It's time to wake up. If you want to erase all those limiting beliefs, make sure you check out my free success hypnosis that I created to rewire your brain for success and to rewrite all those limiting beliefs that have been programmed into us. The time is now.


Miracles are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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