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How Joe Rogan Became Famous

How Joe Rogan Became Famous: Have you ever wondered how big celebrities like Joe Rogan became so successful? In this video, I'm going to break down Joe Rogan's secret technique for unlocking the secrets of reality in five easy steps so you can get whatever you want, all right? What if your imagination wasn't some abstract concept you used as a child, but rather the fundamentals of how you bend the universe to your will? Joe Rogan believes this, so let's let him explain it in this clip. Also, if you like this, you can learn more on my other blog Joe Rogan's New Deal With Spotify Is Part Of The Great Awakening

There Are Real Laws To This Life Operating LIke A Work Of Fiction

I'm thinking that this whole thing might be someone's imagination. It might be your imagination, it might be mine, or it might be a combination of everyone's imagination. I mean, things are real. There are real laws to this life, but it operates like a work of fiction. This sums up big idea number one: never underestimate the power of your own imagination and the effect it has on the world.

This leads us into big idea number two: science actually proves that if you use your imagination correctly, it will influence your brain and alter your neural synaptic connections, say, through mindfulness. In reality, here's Joe Rogan, a neuroscientist, but people have done those studies where they've looked at sort of whether you physically practice, say, on a keyboard, because it's easier to manage in a laboratory than imagining typing out that sequence and just the active physical visualization of that motor skill.

Direct Your Imagination To Change Your Brain Using Visualization

It's about half as effective as physically performing it, and it's half as effective in changing the plastic connections within the brain, so even passive play, as it were, can cause beneficial brain rewiring. Wow, that sums up big idea number two: using visualization, you can direct your imagination to actually change your brain. I actually found the research study that they're talking about; it was published in the Journal of Neurophysiology, and basically they proved that imagining a physical activity such as playing the piano activates the same regions of your brain as if you were actually playing the piano.

You can see here from the MRI scan on the brains that in the research, neuroscientists divided people into three groups in the groups on the chart. In the top group, they taught them a piano sequence and told them to play it daily. In the middle group, they were taught the same piano sequence but were instructed only to practice it in their imaginations; they were not allowed to play the piano. to play the piano, and in the third group at the bottom, that was the control group, and they were instructed to do absolutely nothing.

By Imagining Things, Your Brain Thinks About Reality

By Imagining Things, Your Brain Thinks About Reality

Now for the crazy thing, their brains were scanned each day in the region connected to their finger muscles, and what they found was that the group that imagined playing had the same neural activity as the group that actually played, and the control group had no effect at all. This proves that by imagining things, your brain thinks they're real, and you can alter your reality, so if you ever watch one of my videos, I'm so big on success hypnosis that I have a free success hypnosis; it's right there, down below; it's Jake's hypnosis; it's pinned to the comments and in the description. It's my free success hypnosis that I started listening to where I would mentally rehearse already having exactly what I wanted, and it was crazy, but now a million people from all over the world have used it.

Every day I get these awesome stories, so you can check them out down below at jakeshypnosis.com. But now the question is, how do you get what you want from the universe? And Rogan says that in order to do that, you have to think about the fact that there are infinite realities that are happening simultaneously. Here's what he says: we don't know whether or not this universe that we exist in right now is the only universe.

Practice Mentally Rehearsing Your Future

They're all coexisting in the same sphere, which sums up big idea number three: when you practice mentally rehearsing your future and changing your brain, imagine that your desired reality already exists, and if Rogan is correct and there are infinite universes that are happening right now, then the future timeline of you having everything that you desire already exists as an invisible possibility, and Rogan suggests that the key to accessing this secret of the universe is to think of the universe like a radio, so listen to what he has to say and I'll show you how to apply it.

I believe that the life we're living right now, this existence in which we all participate, may very well be just a station on a radio dial, an infinite radio dial, and that you and I are on the phone and we're on 107.1, but there's a you know, 105.1 right down the dial, and everybody's in blue with big, giant black eyes, and they all move through solid objects and they don't need water and they don't breathe air. 

Wave-Particle Duality

Big idea number four: imagine reality is like a radio, but instead of changing the dials for the music stations, what if your imagination was the dial that changed the station to a new reality from the infinite universe? Now, quantum physics actually proves that this is true with wave-particle duality, and here is Joe Rogan explaining in the most Pro Science way humanly possible. 

What does that even mean, and the idea that you can look at something and change its behavior as you look at it, that the observer actually changes the actual atoms that are moving, and how the hell is that possible? We don't know, and that, my friend, is big idea number five. Everything in the universe already exists in the quantum field. The atoms and particles that make up your life are not solid; they can be changed by your own mind. It's known as wave-particle duality. It's the observer effect.

Energy Collapses From Invisible Wave States Into Visible Particles 

So to apply this, think of it like this: everything in the universe, your successful podcast, your failing podcast, your dream car, your crummy car, your dream house, your terrible apartment—everything is made of subatomic particles that are just energy. This energy collapses from invisible wave states into visible particles based on the consciousness observing it, which is based on your own consciousness of how you imagine reality, and that's why I am so big on success hypnosis; you can check it out. It's free right there, down below Jake's Hypnosis.com.

Make use of your imagination. That's what Rogan's saying. One of his most famous quotes is to imagine that you're the hero of your own movie, that life is like a movie, that there's a film crew following you around, and that you can rewrite the movie script using your own imagination. So the key to bringing all five of these big ideas together in your life is to imagine that you're the hero of your own movie, that life is like a movie, that there's a film crew following you around, and that you can re If reality were a movie and the physical circumstances were the script. 

Use Your Own Imagination To Rewrite The Script

You are influencing the atoms that make up your life. You are so damn powerful that your own imagination is making subatomic particles that move in and out of space and time, and through this crazy fiction-like power of your brain, all these little electrical signals are firing that make it feel real.

So if Rogan's right, ask yourself, "What would I actually want to have happen in my movie?" "How do I actually want my life to look?" The best decision that I ever made was when I suspended my disbelief. Do your own thought experiment and see how powerful your mind and your imagination really are. suspend your disbelief. When I found this information, I was 19 years old, and I decided, "Well, if I create my own movie, what do I want to do?" I want to be a successful author, and I could have said, "Well, this is nice." Whatever the case, I decided to suspend my disbelief and do my own thought experiment, and that's what I invite you to do as well. Suspend your disbelief.

Your Brain Does Not Know What Is Real And What Is Imagined

What if everything you thought about the world was a lie? What if your mind, your imagination, is a physical force in the universe capable of dramatically altering your life to the point where it no longer appears to be real? That's what's on the other side now. If you love this video, please comment down below. I love this video. I'm going to link to my Elon Musk simulation video here that I think you might really enjoy as well. 

Check out my free success hypnosis directly below. And start practicing your mental rehearsal. As Rogan said with the neuroscientists, your brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined. Are you imagining wealth? Are you imagining success? Are you imagining love? The choice is yours, but the pain is the same.


how joe rogan became famous, Joe Rogans new deal

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